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“A library’s policy manual is a written set of statements that form a framework to assist the library staff in making day-to-day decisions. Policies grow out of, and give definition to, the library’s mission in the community, and they provide the basis for consistent operational procedures.”

Ontario Public Library Guidelines

Policy development is an important responsibility of the library board, in collaboration with the CEO. The CEO ensures that library policies address legislative requirements, social and community changes, and technology and service advancements.

To view the complete policy please click on the title in green.

Composition of the Board

The purpose of this bylaw is to guide the council’s appointment process and the Board’s appointment of its officers.

Purpose of the Board

The purpose of the Library Board is to govern the affairs of the public library in service to the community. This policy sets out the work of the Library Board and the ways by which it achieves its purpose.

Powers and Duties of the Board

The Board bears legal responsibility for the Clarence-Rockland Public Library. The powers and duties of the Board are prescribed in the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P44, to which this bylaw adheres. The role of the Board is to govern the affairs of the library.

Duties and Responsibilities of Individual Board members

The Library Board expects its members to understand the extent of their authority and to use it appropriately. This policy sets out the obligations of individual Board members. While an individual Board member has a number of responsibilities, outside of a meeting of the Library Board, he or she has no authority to make decisions.

Meetings of the Board

Board members must meet regularly to ensure the proper governance of the Library and to conduct the business of the Board. Since the Board “as a whole” has the authority to act, and not individual members, the Board meeting is the major opportunity for the Board to do its work – to make decisions, solve problems, educate Board members, and plan for the future and review monitoring or evaluation material submitted by staff.

Intellectual Freedom

Recognizing that the board has a fundamental responsibility for upholding the principles of, as well as advocating for, intellectual freedom, this policy ensures the rights of individuals to access information.

Inclusivity Statement

The CRPL is committed to tolerance and strives to deliver an inclusive service, affirming the dignity of those they serve, regardless of heritage, education, beliefs, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, physical or mental health, physical or cognitive capabilities, or socio-economic status.

Confidentiality & the Protection of Privacy

The Clarence-Rockland Public Library recognizes that the users’ choice of materials they borrow and websites they visit is a private matter. The Library will therefore make every reasonable effort to ensure that personal information about its users and their use of Library materials, services and programs remains confidential.

Safety, Security and Emergency in the Library

The Clarence-Rockland Public Library Board is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for staff, volunteers and members of the public who use the library. The board also acts to protect and secure library property.

Accessible Client Service

The Clarence-Rockland Public Library is committed to the independence and integration of persons with disabilities and all who live, learn, work, play and invest in our community.

Programs at the CRPL

The purpose of this policy is to provide a broad range of programs to meet the needs of people of all ages in the community of Clarence-Rockland for information, educational and recreational opportunities and for personal growth and development.

Playing video games at the CRPL

The Library offers video game consoles for young people. This service is offered to demonstrate the value of a non-traditional service. This gaming opportunity is offered to attract young people to visit the Library, expose them to the various services offered while providing them with their own space and a sense of belonging.

The Use of Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms in the Library bring together the resources of the Library and the activities of the community for educational, cultural, civic, recreational and charitable purposes. The Library provides a forum for the expression of diverse ideas and opinions, however, the use of the meeting room shall not be interpreted to constitute an endorsement by the Clarence-Rockland Public Library Board of the policies and beliefs of groups or individuals.

Unattended Children in the Library

The following policy establishes the conditions needed to maintain the well-being of children in the Library and the responsibilities of their caregivers.

Client Services

The CRPL makes materials widely available to the community, in an equitable manner, in order to maximize the use of the collections. The Library Board ensures fair conditions for library membership and borrowing privileges while protecting resources in a responsible manner.

Fees Other than Circulation

The CRPL can charge fees for matters which are excluded from the Public Libraries Act. R.S.O. 1990, c. P44.

Photos in Library Facilities

The CRPL uses photos of its clients in its publications, displays, on its website and on social media, to promote the value and use of library products and services. As a public space, there is no expectation of privacy in CRPL facilities and at CRPL events/programs. Therefore, taking photos is permitted and the Library is in no way legally liable.


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